What do I possibly have to say about pants? Well, I don't know either. I know I've come a long, long way in my life when it comes to the types of pants I wear most often and where I go to get them. When I was young, my Mom took me to a place called Maurice the Pants Man.
If your name is Maurice, that is already an amazing accomplishment. If your name is Maurice, and you also dub yourself the Pants Man and open up a pants store/chain, even more incredible.
Courtesy of pixabay.com
Sounds like the kind of guy I would like to have a gin martini with. Pants are strange. Many don't fit. Some fit but are uncomfortable. Sweatpants are usually the best, although not versatile.
Once you reach a certain age sweatpants can only be relied upon for domestic occasions. There seems to be about 100-foot perimeter around the home where once breached; sweatpants are no longer considered a viable, or appropriate option.
Most workplaces, I have found, appreciate it when a man goes the extra mile and wears a nice pair of slacks to work. I prefer non-pleated, but that's just one man's opinion. It's best to have several colors to coordinate with shirt schemes/tones.
Not too short, not too long, else risk appearing to be a dolt when it comes to fashion. It's okay if you are though, it doesn't really matter. Jeans are a good option for leisure, or when combined with a nice suit jacket or sweater, are perfectly capable of transforming a casual situation into a semi-formal one.
That's all for now on the subject pants.
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